STOP foolishly spending your hard earned money on acquiring more and more knowledge. There’s a very good chance you already have all the knowledge you need to be a success.
Getting UnSTUCK comes down to MASSIVE ACTION and personal accountability, even down to how often you check your email. Mastering a few simple (but not easy) strategies is how you win the “success game”, and this AMAZON #1 bestselling book can help you “make it happen.”
OrderThis book is direct and to the point. Smart CEOs and business owners will study this short book carefully, and smarter ones will revisit it every few months to course-correct back to a more successful and profitable future.
- Danny Iny, Founder/CEO of Mirasee, best-selling author of Teach and Grow Rich
If you are a Founder or CEO and want to achieve your greatest potential, buy this book. It provides a highly detailed roadmap to dramatically improve your personal effectiveness, profitability, and long-term success.
- David Rosenberg, CEO, Prime Motor Group
Henry is a true business builder who is more qualified than most to teach all entrepreneurs how to get “UnSTUCK for Good!” He debunks the myths to what many think are the keys to being a world class entrepreneur–while he cuts to the chase on the realities. Henry has nailed it.
- Brian Kurtz, Business Builder of Boardroom Inc., Founder of Titans Marketing LLC, and serial direct marketer
As a serial Entrepreneur, one of the biggest challenges I face is keeping my business and team focused. UnSTUCK for GOOD! provides me with a process to hold myself accountable to attain the goals I have for my business. This is a must-read for any entrepreneur or executive who wants to succeed.
- Jeff Mesnik, President, ContentMX
After being in the workforce for almost 20 years, The UnSTUCK Solution™ is the one program where I actually saw results! You WILL achieve the goals you set out for yourself.
- Cheryl Carner, Senior Business Development Officer, Crystal Financial
If you are looking to become more effective, grow your business, and achieve greater levels of success, The UnSTUCK Solution™ will help get you there.
- Andy Moser, Co-Head – Retail and Consumer Products ABL Group, Monroe Capital
As a result of The UnSTUCK Solution™, today, my marketing and new client acquisition is much more consistent and showing overall steady growth.
- Nate Tiplady, Needham Chiropractic
When we discussed The UnSTUCK Solution, and the value proposition, I knew this program was different. The program successfully helped me to be more effective in growing revenue, building relationships, improving my team, and dramatically increasing my overall effectiveness. This program had exceeded my expectation!
- Chris O’Connor, Head of ABL, Cambridge Trust
You already have the proper knowledge to succeed in business. If you don’t, you never should have entered the race. What's holding you back is not using that knowledge effectively day after day after day. It's called the Knowing-Doing Gap!
This is not a “how to” book… it’s a “tell it like it is” book. No sugar-coating; no selling you some new marketing, people, or leadership skills; no CRM software or training program; no promises to “get one hundred new clients in the next thirty days,” or “become a millionaire in six months.” It's not going to fix all your challenges, or reveal the one simple secret to turn your business around. There is no such book (although some may purport to be). If your business is not as successful as you want it to be, it will also ask you to look in the mirror. This book will give you a number of things to think about, and provide you with more than 50 actionable steps to get your business unstuck.
The book has nine chapters. Here's a quick look at the first four.
Effective work requires Focus. And it's not easy. It doesn't come natural. It's actually a learned skill...and, like all other skills, it need to be nurtured and cultivated. Odds are you haven't had many opportunities to actually do that because it takes training, and lots of repetition.
Many business owners excel at developing short-term goals and tactics to operate their business, yet they lack the solid structure and security a long-term vision affords. This is a problem. If you’re only focused on your next sale, but you’re not thinking about where you want to end up, you’re eventually going to get stuck. Most people fail because they major in minor things!
Effectively managing your relationship with time plays an integral role in the success of your business. It’s what separates the achievers from the dreamers and wannabes. If you don't control your time, how can you possibly control the results of your day? Improving your relationship with time will require you to change the way you manage yourself, and change is difficult for most people.
Look around your business. Whatever your business has become, or failed to become is because of you. You are the de facto leader. You are also the solution to most everything that ails your company. It’s up to you to set the direction and goals of the company and hold your team (and yourself) accountable for executing your plan. If things are not working out well, there's a good chance your habits and daily rituals are sabotaging you, without you even knowing it.
Get your FREE COPY of the 30 Minute Summary of UnSTUCK for Good!, and take action on the more than 50 vital action steps you will find highlighted—or risk staying STUCK where you are right now.
For questions about the book, speaking engagements, or more information about volume discounts, please contact us using the form below. You can also contact us by phone at 800-284-0968.